Release 1.1.0

Includes the following changes:

  • Removed singleton for the HibernateDAORegistry
  • JAXB Configuration Support
  • Ability to customize the loader for hibernate connections.
  • Compatibility with registry-cdc 1.3.0.
  • Fixed bug that restricted one DAO per Repository.

Release 1.0.0

This is a major release. This release adds support for both Hibernate2 and Hibernate3 configurations and it contains a new DAORegistry, which stores and provides access to Data Access Objects.

Release 0.12

This release adds support for accessing hibernate session factories through a common repository interface. Using a single propety file, the application can load up hibernate configuration files and start connections to multiple database instances located across different nodes.

Release 0.11

  • Support for loading resources from a JAR file
  • Support for loading multiple registry-config files into the same registry.
  • Cleaned up the JUnit tests.